Conexled’s debut at Lightfair: A milestone in the lighting industry and brand consolidation.

Conexled debut at the New York fair

Lightfair is considered one of the largest international fairs dedicated to lighting, bringing together the main professionals and companies in the sector in an event that stands out for its innovation, knowledge and business opportunities. For us, participating in this event was a strategic and essential step to strengthen your brand and further boost our growth.

Conexled‘s decision to debut at Lightfair was driven by the relentless pursuit of innovation and the desire to position itself as a benchmark in the lighting industry, bringing even more visibility and recognition as a leader in innovative and quality lighting solutions.” Filipe Braz – Conexled

During the event, we had the opportunity to interact with other industry leaders, exchange experiences, learn about the latest trends and explore possible strategic partnerships. These connections are essential to drive brand expansion, as they enable collaboration with other key players, create synergies and identify promising business opportunities.

Additionally, participating in Lightfair has allowed Conexled to learn from industry best practices and latest innovations. Lectures, workshops and panel discussions held during the event offered valuable insights into emerging trends, regulations, technological advances and market demands. Conexled was able to gain up-to-date expertise, which is essential to stay ahead of the competition and continue to offer state-of-the-art lighting solutions.

Lightfair served as a showcase, reinforcing our position as a leader in innovation and quality. Building on this successful debut, Conexled is poised for a bright future in the lighting industry, driven by the recognition gained and the opportunities generated from this strategic engagement.

We greatly appreciate the presence of everyone who honored us in another amazing event!

Somos energia em movimento

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