Completed Projects

Explosive atmospheres illuminated with Conexled power

There are no more doubts about the extremely positive impacts of LED lighting for explosive atmospheres, it plays an increasingly important role in safety, cost reduction, and even in the environment’s climate.

Check out some of the explosive atmosphere projects we have completed:

The biggest challenge of this project was to meet the port environment, which is extremely aggressive with regard to sea air.
I am extremely satisfied with the LED lighting project carried out in this terminal. We started working with this client years ago and have established a successful partnership relationship. ensuring the quality and efficiency of installed products.

Mauro Noda

The challenge of this project was the luminosity and a good product that could attend the classified areas.
The replacement of conventional EX luminaires by LED EX floodlights transformed the environment, bringing more comfort to employees and making operations safer.

Luis Francisco

We started work in the process area, classified area. Once the result has shown improvement in energy consumption in addition to the lighting result. They extended the project to the main shed with a CLI model, and were very satisfied with the result. They began to gradually replace all conventional models.
The Conexled team was extremely dedicated throughout the entire project implementation process, from the first contact to the installation of the luminaires. We seek, as always, to provide excellent service with quick responses and efficient solutions to all customer needs.

Mauro Noda

Through an engineering team and an installer, we were recommended and included in the design and supply of our luminaires. The result was highly positive.
The luminaires fully met expectations in terms of durability and resistance, leaving the customer at peace with maintenance and profitability.

Mauro Noda

The customer needed to improve the work sectors. It had a very big deficiency with low light. Gradually they are changing all the luminaires for our models, due to the excellent result obtained so far. Solutions used: CLB EX and CLYX
The installed LED lighting perfectly illuminated the area and provided a much safer and more productive work environment.

Mauro Noda

We started work some time ago with supply for the Boiler sector. With customer satisfaction due to the results, the customer opted to replace conventional models with LED ones, also in the pump room and utilities sector.
Conexled luminaires proved to be the perfect choice for this customer’s needs. They provide high-quality, bright and uniform lighting, providing a more efficient and safer lighting of the work environment. In addition, they have a long service life, which means savings in maintenance costs.

Mauro Noda

We are energy in motion

Other segments

Check out some of our completed lighting projects in other segments.

SAC and Technical Assistance

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