Completed Projects

Clubs and sports courts illuminated with Conexled power

There are no more doubts about the extremely positive impacts of LED lighting for clubs and sports courts, it plays an increasingly important role in improving user experience, reducing costs, enhancing athlete performance, and even in the atmosphere of the environment.

Check out some of the clubs and sports courts illuminated by us:

Umuarama Tennis club

The main issue for the client was to achieve a luminous flux within the norm for recreational courts, with a reduction in electrical energy consumption.
After the installation of the slim projectors, we noticed a great improvement in the court lighting. The quality and intensity of the light have been optimized, providing a much more pleasant and safer experience during matches.

Guilherme Marinho

We tried to include the floodlights in the project so that the goalkeeper would not be dazzled, which is a constant complaint in court projects. The floodlights were also fitted to the side and not in the center like the conventional ones that were installed. Solution used CLF-MP200C
The LED lighting project solved the problem of blinding lighting for the goalkeeper, providing uniform and adequate lighting for all positions on the court. Installing the floodlights on the side, instead of in the center, provided wider and more uniform visibility for the entire court, making playing sports even more enjoyable.

Marcos Vinicius

As the result was largely positive, we supplied all the sports courts, the soccer field and the swimming pool area. Solutions used: CLF This work at Mercedes started in a very small parking lot. As the result was largely positive, our supplies were extended to all the sports courts and the soccer field.
Conexled products are ideal for any industry that is looking for a high quality, energy efficient lighting solution. We have exclusive and personalized service.

Mauro Noda

Frei Epifânio D Abadia Stadium

The big challenge of this project was to keep the high level of lux for professional games.
Thanks to the Conexled team’s expertise and dedication to the project, the perfect balance between optimal lighting for football matches and energy savings can be achieved.

Ricardo Bacci

The client needed a substantial improvement in the lighting of the courts. In addition to the problems of changing light bulbs, there was the issue of light deficiency. They did an initial test with a court. With the result obtained, they decided to replace all the luminaires with our models from the Club’s Tennis courts.
The improvement in lighting quality and energy savings that LED technology offers are simply incredible!

Mauro Noda

We are energy in motion

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