Condições Imperdíveis da Black November Aqui! 🔥

Check out ExpoMeat 2022

Conexled returns to in-person events with ExpoMeat 2022

Participating in an in-person event after almost 30 months was very rewarding.

We were happy to be part of a new lighting construction in Brazil and surprised to receive a significant number of qualified people interested in High Performance LED Lighting!💡

Our main highlight was the hermetic luminaires of the Boracéia line, which are suitable to meet the particularities of the food and refrigeration industries, where many of them have low temperatures and high levels of humidity, in addition to constant washing where industrial luminaires with a high IP are required, in addition to hermetic closure that guarantees the protection and durability of the components.

We would like to thank everyone who was able to visit our stand at Expomeat!

Somos energia em movimento

SAC and Technical Assistance

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