Showtec 2024 Retrospective: LED Lighting for the Agro-Industry by Conexled

Advances and Customization in Lighting: Adapting LED Technology for the Agro-Industry

During the latest edition of Showtec, Conexled demonstrated why it is a leading manufacturer of LED lighting for the agro-industry, meeting the specific needs of the sector with solutions that combine energy efficiency, sustainability, and high performance.

Conexled’s products, specifically designed for demanding environments such as warehouses, greenhouses, and food processing facilities, have proven their ability to withstand adverse conditions, including dust, humidity, and temperature fluctuations. The LED fixtures have proven to be economical, durable, and essential for ensuring the quality and reliability of lighting in agro-industrial contexts.

At the event, we showcased our product line from high bay lighting solutions designed for large spaces and high elevations, to more specialized options for classified areas, tunnels, conveyor belts, dumpers, silos, and processing and cutting areas. Our team of experts was available to discuss how to customize our solutions to meet the specific needs of each customer, ensuring perfect and safe lighting for all stages of agro-industrial production.

At plot D6 stand 26, we offered a practical demonstration that allowed participants to see how the right lighting can transform agro-industrial operations, improving efficiency, safety, and productivity. It was an excellent opportunity to share our knowledge in advanced technology, which sets the standard for modern industrial lighting.

We concluded the event confident that we have helped many businesses become more sustainable, lighting more while consuming less. After all, big brands choose to light with Conexled!

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