LED Tri-Proof Industrial IP69K

Line Boracéia


Discover the LED Tri-Proof Industrial Luminaire IP69K from the Boracéia Line, ideal for food industry applications demanding high-quality lighting and superior durability in harsh environments.

2893lm (+10%)

3 years warranty

Technical description

Technical characteristics

Power20W (±10%)
Lumens3300 lm (±10%)
Working Voltage220-240 VAC
Operating Frequency50/60Hz
Standard Color Temperature5000K (±275K)
Beam Opening Angle120º
Warranty3 Years Warranty
Protection GradeIP69K
Impact GradeIK08

About the lamp

The LED Tri-Proof Industrial Luminaire from the Boracéia Line, model CLB-H(P)IP69K, is engineered to offer resilience, versatility, and exceptional performance, particularly suited for the food industry where frequent sanitation is crucial. With an IP69K rating, this luminaire withstands intensive cleaning processes, making it ideal for environments requiring high standards of cleanliness and hygiene.

Constructed from an extruded aluminum alloy with milky polycarbonate lenses, this luminaire not only ensures durability but also provides maintenance-free operation by being fully hermetic. This design eliminates risks of internal contamination and accumulation of residues, critical in sensitive areas of food processing and beverage production.

Available in multiple wattages—20W, 40W, 50W, 70W, and 103W—each model offers efficient luminous output and optimized light distribution with a 120° beam angle, ensuring broad and uniform illumination essential for precise and secure operations.

These luminaires are equipped with high-performance LEDs, offering excellent light quality with a color rendering index above 80 and a standard color temperature of 5000K (±275K), which enhances the natural appearance of inspected items, crucial in food quality control.

Furthermore, the luminaires are designed to endure extreme temperature ranges from -40ºC to +60ºC and include optional IP68 connectors, enhancing their capability to withstand harsh environmental conditions including cold storage, docks, and production areas exposed to elements.

Technical drawing

High Light

SAC and Technical Assistance

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