Urban LED Luminaire

Line Pequeá


CLP-LC(F) – Modern and bold design with Mid Power LED and state-of-the-art dedicated LED Driver. Double nprotection system against surges and mains fluctuations.

2893lm (+10%)

2 years warranty

Technical description

Technical characteristics

Power50W (±10%)
Lumens6 400 lm (±10%)
Working Voltage100 - 265 VAC
Operation Frequency50/60Hz
Standard Color Temperature5 000K (±275K)
Warranty2 Years Warranty
Protection GradeIP66
Impact GradeIK08

About the lamp

Modern and bold design with Mid Power LED and state-of-the-art dedicated LED Driver. Double nprotection system against surges and mains fluctuations.

Technical drawing

High Light

SAC and Technical Assistance

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