How to choose the best lighting for Pulp and Paper Industries

Discover the ideal luminaires for each environment in the paper and cellulose industry

When planning the lighting for a paper and cellulose industry, some important factors must be considered according to the area of ​​application and each environment. Carefully planned industrial lighting reduces the risk of accidents, saves energy and makes better use of the entire industrial process.

But, how do you know which is the ideal option for these environments?

For each production process in the paper and cellulose industry there are specific luminaires. Below are some examples of environments and models (click on each product to download the datasheet):

  • Log yards: towers with significant altitudes – the recommended projectors are the Guaecá – CLG, and Itaguá – CLF-HP models.

  • Standard chip: Timbó – CLT and/or Perequê – CLY models can be used on conveyor belts. Depending on the installation height of the chip location.

  • Moving walk: The same situation as above, the Timbó-CLT and/or Perequê – CLY models can be applied to moving walkways.

  • Pressure cooker: Due to the height, temperature and corrosion of the location, CLT-CLY and Itararé – CLGEX are used, the luminaires in this environment need to be more robust.

It is also worth remembering the importance of carrying out a lighting project to better define the product, taking into account the particularities of the environment.

Still have questions or need more information? Get in touch right now and speak to a Conexled consultant!

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